Coffee and a Girl
I am in Cafe Fiore right now with my first cup of coffee in two weeks. It was bitter, but quite smooth. I have been on a water fast for two weeks where I've drank no coffee (well I had one sip of coffee during the two weeks . . . I repent), and then saved the money I would have spent on that cup of Joe and gave it to the Water Project. The water project is something that I am doing with Every Nation Campus Ministries in order to raise money for wells in Kenya so that some people there can have clean water. Coffee is a good thing.
I'm also here with a special someone named Bethany. We have been dating for four months now, and it has been so wonderful. I've found that being in a serious relationship is one of the hardest most growing things ever. I've also found it to be one of the greatest blessings. God has done a lot in me over the last four months. I have grown a lot, but I also realize just how much I need God's help to be the man I am called to be to this wonderful girl God has put in my life. Every once in a while I get to peek over the lip of my computer and catch a smile since we are both working across from each other. Bethany is so wonderful, and being with her has taught me a lot about trust, commitment, and friendship. These are also the things I am learning about God.
Life is hard sometimes. Living, learning, growing, healing, changing, forgiving . . . I'm learning a lot about grace. I'm learning a lot about unconditional love. I'm glad I have Jesus as my guide, but even more as the friend who is always there when I call regardless of my past neglect of him. What a blessing. What a friend I have.