Good Times Down South
Alright y’all here goes . . . I have decided to join the ever growing blogging phenomenom, and become a spokesman to the masses. To christen the occasion I went ahead and wrote my first haiku since the second grade. As you can see I have eloquently written above (utilizing the English 5-7-5 syllable structure) about my first impressions of the South. Some have called it the “Dirty South,” but even if true, “I call it mine.”
So far Nashville (Nashvegas as I hear the locals call it) has been incredible, and I have already experienced deep enriching times with my fellow classmates. Since arriving here I have experienced feelings of overwhelming peace and hallowed moments before the Lord. With more time on my hands than ever before, I have been able to reflect on my years spent attending Seattle Pacific University.
Looking back over the last four years I realize God has richly blessed me; he has carried my burdens and sustained my soul. God's protecting hand has guided me through thick and thin (through thick and thin in the love handles too, now that I'm old . . . make that old and wise), and He has consistently proven himself faithful time and time again. In this season of life I am humbled that God has chosen me to live here in Nashville, TN. It’s true, God’s call is always right, and His faithfulness never ceases. To God I truly give all the glory.

Lot's of fun to see what you've been doing. DDR looks tiring. I love to see how much you love the Lord.
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