Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thanks for Freedom

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, and hope.”
-Winston Churchill

The best things in life are everywhere around me. The worst things in life are everywhere around me. Being immersed in American culture at times makes it easy to forget why it is I can experience more of these "best things" in life. In thinking about my own freedom I believe that sacrifice (as cliche as it sounds) is the best definition love. I've heard it said (pardon my lack of proper citation . . . I'm not in college anymore) that 'love is putting other people's interests ahead of our own, regardless of personal cost. The only response I have toward the many who have sacrificed is "thanks." Thanks to the many who have laid down their lives so that today I can to sing, write, worship, and become whatever I wish. In the the mosaic of America I realize that I am one brick stacked in between many courageous and honorable individuals.

In the same way, I respect and honor the many who have given their lives for the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. After just completing a course on World Missions I have come to understand that for the Kingdom of God to be advanced hardship and sacrifice are inevitable. Why would it be any other way? If God's perfect power and love was shown through sacrifice why should our love for people and the expansion of God's kingdom be without personal sacrifice.

This fourth of July has been a time of reflection, and I understand that my life has been a direct product of God, honorable courageous people, and historical moments. Thank you to all who have served so selflessly for the cause of freedom and truth.

Lord, in the middle of all I don't understand, give me the wisdom to live out the things I know are true, the things I do understand
My life's goal is to see your will accomplished and your glory revealed, your love shown to all you put in my path.
It is an honor and a joy to call the God of the Ages my friend.
To you be all the glory forever and ever.
- Amen


Blogger dave said...

You are the man. This is poetic. I like the part about the mosaic.

9:31 PM  

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