Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Night on the Town

It hasn't been all work! Here are a collection of photos from a recent night on the town.

Stop #1- Monell's Here I experienced the most incredible Southern cookin' I've had to date. In the past I've experienced North Carolina cooking and have been less than impressed, but this place was a gem.

As you can see below the food quantity may have been a bit excessive, but hey, we're are all still growing boys right? The food included, fried chicken, pork ribs, greens, several different salads, rolls, hush puppies, and much more. This is the stuff y'all.

This is Chris from Reno Nevada. He played Division 1 football at University of Nevada for four years, and has already become a great friend. He eats a whole lot more than anyone else. He is a modest 250 pounds so we let him get away with eating like a heifer. This is one strong man of God, and an incredibly gifted leader.
. . .Oh yeah and there was lots of sweet tea . . . my new favorite drink. It's a sanctified-not very harmful to my body-addiction. Praise the Lord.

Stop # 2- The Parthenon Replica, I think . . .

Sweet replica to say the least (Looks kinda like President Bush's pad)

. . . along with it, a strong set of individuals who I am priviledged to share the next 6 months with.

Stop # 3- Karaoke

This was our final stop for the night, and honestly this was a blast. People here in Nashville really like their country music.
These pictures really speak for themselves, wow.

This was a duet between Ashley and Chris. They of course had to pull out a little Outkast for the audience. It was a big hit.

Chris and his dance moves were kickin' for sure. Nothing like seeing a defensive tackle goin all ballerina in a karaoke bar.

Ashley fearlessly lives for competition. This is a good quality to have when doing karaoke, to the tune of Outkast, in front of seventy drunk cowboys. Way to go Ash.

You gotta pop the collar if any serious singin is gonna happen. Actually everyone made me do it. It was a great time. Nothing quite like a pose next to a gigantic bottle of alcohol. We'll have to pray for this place.

All in all the entire night was an incredible success, and I am excited to share in many laughs over the next months. As a class, we have been reading a lot of books. We do work incredibly hard here! However, as you can see, when we play, we play hard. We're livin life to the fullest, and desire to be fully used by God to impact our world. Until next time!


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